View single post by ReshRick
 Posted: Feb 6th, 2013 12:26 PM
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Joined: Jan 3rd, 2013
Location: Inland Empire, California USA
Posts: 42
alisonkirkbride wrote:

This sounds like an evp to me - you can get a pretty good idea by listening to the reverse of the recording as evp's do not sound anything like reversed human speech. I can clearly hear 'see you later' in the forward, in the reverse it sounds like 'you wont hear Lisa'
Well done, it is a good class A capture.


Thank you, Allison!
I believe it is EVP as well, but wanted to get some more ears on it. I am going to have my Mum whisper "See you later" inot her PC and play both recordings forward and backward to analyse more.

I had never heard about the difference between reverse EVP vs. reverese Human speech. Will check it out!

Thanks again!