View single post by Rachel EVP Voices
 Posted: Jan 9th, 2013 03:28 PM
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Rachel EVP Voices


Hello Ron, Lance and all the other experimenters out there!

I was chatting with a fellow ITC researcher in Portugal and we were discussing a problem I experienced last year - a sudden and inexplicable ( to me ) halt to recording voices. I had no idea at the time but apparently it isn't uncommon when you've had good recordings for it to abruptly stop.

Thankfully they've now returned and I'm back doing regular recordings but for over a year it was almost radio silence with only the odd word if I was lucky. Never having had to work hard to capture voices, it made me appreciative of how many hours other people put in to be as lucky.

I'm pretty certain I know the reason why now and I'm glad to report they're almost back to normal. We're also sitting at the end of the month back in a physical circle, fingers crossed I have something good to report!

Until then, here's a link to my most recent posts ( probably a lot easier than uploading an awful lot of files here! );

Best wishes, Rachel