View single post by Spider
 Posted: Nov 20th, 2012 09:51 AM
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
I will post a more in depth answer later, just a coiple of things I want to say though.

Yes, I will say I was a major skeptic at one time. As far as I was concerned it was just pure luck a few words were being picked up, making it sound like a reply or a statement of sorts. It took me a long time to tune my brain into what I was hearing. But after listening to recorded sessions using a ghost box, it was getting easier and easier to understand. FM has far more music playing than AM, so the random words sounding like a reply, to me, simply wasn't there enough.

And lastly, I do not think the FCC allows the liberal amount of swearing I have heard while using a ghost box. And when I mean swear words, I mean the big ones! And lets not forget the crude language that pops in occasionally!