View single post by thai_emt_22
 Posted: Sep 24th, 2012 11:43 PM
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Hey to one and all...:)

I joined this forum as a way to share my EVP recordings on the net and this looked like the best, most welcoming place for my needs.  To make a long story short, I work as a full-time EMT medical/rescue officer.  As such, I am around death very frequently.  Part of our duties as rescue workers is to fingerprint any deceased for the government' records; this is not a job done by morticians, morgue personnel, etc. but instead by us.  Don't ask why - even a longer story ;).  Anyway, I previously never had any spiritual encounters with the dead in all my years working with them.  If you had asked me a year ago, I'd have said that "ghosts" didn't exist as I personally had not encountered any.  However, one of my friends introduced me to the show "Ghost Adventures" and I quickly became intrigued.  So much so that I bought a digital recorder in hopes of catching my own voices from the other side.  Well, I must admit I was very, very hesitant to reach across the bridge myself.  While I believed what I saw on the TV shows regarding EVPs, I struggled extensively with my own issues regarding whether or not to contact the dead I deal with on a daily basis.

Ultimately, I decided to try and my first occasion to do so I was called to the morgue to pick up two bodies and take them to a local temple for cremation.  Well, it was about 22:00hrs. and the morgue was closed, so I had to wait for the mortician to arrive and open up shop.  I was with another rescue officer in my group, a young lad of only 17, and was talking with him about his beliefs in ghosts, etc.  I explained how I'd seen on TV the GAC capturing spirit voices and that we could do the same.  He was game, so I gave it a try.  Unfortunately, I did not have my digital recorder with me at the time.  So, I instead used my old Nokia cellphone to record our time spent in the morgue.  I did a basic introduction (as seen on TV!) and told any spirits to not by shy or afraid and to talk into the phone . Of course at the time I heard nothing.  Only when I got home and uploaded the clips to my notebook and listened to them using the Wavosaur software did I realize the gifts I was given by the spirits there that night.  I'll post the clips in the appropriate thread for you to share.  Needless to say, a once skeptic is now a true believer.  Nothing like getting your own EVPs to confirm that! 

Anyway, since that time I've brought my digital recorder to the morgue on several occasions but have gotten nothing yet.  I still use the phone too as a backup to see if I capture something on it that the recorder doesn't get, as it picks up way too much noise from the refrigerators, etc. with its very sensitive microphone.  Somehow the crappy phone did a better job, I think!  For sure if/when I get more clips, I'll share them on this board.  Please leave feedback if you enjoy; hate to think my efforts are falling on dead ears (no puns intended :blush:).

Peace to you all in your endeavors.....
