View single post by Toadmund
 Posted: Aug 28th, 2012 03:06 PM
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As I get older, I am being more cynical and skeptical of spiritual matters.
I am nearly atheist, although mostly agnostic.
Despite, unexplained ghostly encounters and ESP events in my past, I still feel cynical, as if there is always a logical explanation to it all.

It also seems the more cynical I get, the less unexplained events happen to me, most of my unexplained events happened when I was younger. I don't know if it's age related, or belief related?

However, I have recently become very interested in making me a ghost box, as cheaply as possible. So I am brushing up on my electronics 'skillz'.

Not only do I get to make some circuits, but I will get to make something that can maybe make me a believer again, or not, and have fun doing it.

Oh, the other reason I am here, a web search for cheap radio ghost boxes, turned up using dollar store radios.
There's the cheap ghost box right there...
Now to make it work!