View single post by dkenda
 Posted: Jul 5th, 2012 10:49 AM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
Hello Everyone-

Feels strange jumping in a year later but...I love working with a Ghost Box, can't fathom how Spirit facilitates the communication- Have heard theory to the effect that Spirit gathers pieces to create a message by bending time or grabbing segments of the appropriate frequencies out of the air, transmitting them in sequence- don't know and so far they're not telling.

The scanning function is so vigorous it seems highly improbable that we're catching full statements in real time.

Did some reading on Spirit communication "Old School" from a text written by the first practicing Spiritualists (1800's)- The material alludes to the following correlation- The stronger the physical energy and more balanced yin and yang/male and female in attendance during a recording session (or seance), the stronger the communication. I do find that I get stronger, clearer messages in mixed company.

Really groping around in the dark here- what we don't know is a lot. You'd think, if Spirit really felt communication was a good idea, they'd impart detailed schematics- instead of automatic writing, automatic drafting!! Great idea, no skillz :0(