View single post by Frank Douglas
 Posted: Jun 18th, 2012 05:17 AM
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Frank Douglas

Joined: May 24th, 2012
Location: Suffolk, Virginia USA
Posts: 313
My appologies for the grainy images that follow. I had driven the better part of yesterday and my brain was not at it's best. I usually save my images as JPeg files, but being tired I was and it being late, I did not follow my normal protocol and I saved them as PNG files. When I went to look deeper into the captures I found what I had done.

Most of the images were so grainy I could not make out what had drawn me to make the screen capture.

I was able to get a few from the start of the session though.


2301 EDT Capture A Image 1

Attached Image (viewed 1154 times):


Last edited on Jun 18th, 2012 05:21 AM by Frank Douglas

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Albert Einstein