View single post by Tazmom
 Posted: May 12th, 2007 09:16 PM
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Thanks for your feedback on this.

As I mentioned above, there were five adults (3 females and 2 males) all sitting in the same room. The recorder sat on the table of which we were all sitting around and with in a few feet of. To me the first voices are of a different sound quality (somewhat muffled but still close)as opposed to Jerry's loud voice at the end of the clip (I kept his voice in this clip so that there was something recognizable as our voices to compare the other voices with). To me the difference in the voices are distinct, but this might just come from the familiarity of listening to so many recordings of our voices and hearing the distinct personalities of each of them.  The first voices on the clip also sound very childlike to me and I know we didn't have any children on-site. Additionally, because the recording happened late at night (after 11:00pm), I am  sure there were no little children outside playing (If so, I surely would have picked up the adult voices of those that would have been with the children). Additionally, the voices don't sound like they are from outside or a different room either.

Of course this is simply my take on this clip, referencing what I am familiar with (our own voices and the environment). I would truly be interested in others opinions on what they hear.
