View single post by EVPDave
 Posted: May 14th, 2012 05:21 PM
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Joined: Mar 7th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 206
ArizonaEvp wrote: EVPDave wrote: Ron, I still get emails about that microphone after all these years. Another researcher has taken it a step further and developed a flame triode.


"Neil Styner shows how to make a working triode from with an alcohol flame, and no vacuum. He observed a power gain of 60x."

Hello Dave,

I've been to his website before.  He's got a lot of simple, interesting and low cost projects that one can construct.

One in particular is placing a drop of saltwater on a piece aluminum and listening to its audio output.

I always meant to try that as a sound source for EVP's.

Hi again Ron,
  Yes, some very interesting experiments. Please do try the drop of salt water on aluminum foil noise source. I tried it years ago and from what I remember the results were positive. A most unique sound source, and simple. I used a small battery powered self contained amplifier from Radio Shack. Other configurations are possible, I just kept the sound isolated from a direct connection to my recorder at the time.
