View single post by clockdryve
 Posted: Apr 3rd, 2012 08:44 PM
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Joined: Feb 7th, 2010
Location: Des Moines, Iowa USA
Posts: 425

Link to a "Radio Kit" for the Sferic reception.

Best to be out in the country to avoid any interference...these radio's are sensitive. A couple miles away from ANY electrical lines are needed. That's hard to do now in these days. I think these newer models have filters to remove some of the interference (60Hz)but not the harmonics.

I have a very simple model of these radio "type" (rare) but I don't know where it is located right now. I know I do still have it.

I've thought of getting this "Inspire Radio" for a few years now. They are an easy build and are well thought out... not just simple.

They used to include a picture. I'll need to look around.