View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Mar 18th, 2012 02:11 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Well, my name is Keith and I'm the creator of this website, forum, and stream (credit goes to spirit also, of course). :)

I figured this may be a good place to advertise that I am looking for full time work with spirit and spirituality, rather than just as a "hobby." It is my purpose, it is why I exist, and I have now come to a crossroads to where I have decided to open the door and ask spirit to help make the connections that I may have the most impact in my lifetime.

As some of you know, I have been a computer professional by daytime - experimenter, forum moderator by night.

Professionally, I have worked with anywhere from 100 network environments, 250 servers, and somewhere in the range of 3-5,000 workstations. Wired and wireless, ISP, phone systems, you name it. Mostly windows platforms.
Non-professionally, and while working with ITC, I have learned audio/visual components and software which have enabled me to work with spirit to create wonderful things such as the stream. My most notable characteristic traits are: invention, organization, documentation, teaching.

The radio stream is back up and running, it is one of our most accomplished endeavors, to be able to hear and see spirit live from their influence on a radio.

I believe that we can create anything we wish, so here is the seed that I am planting:
I desire to work full time amongst the circles of spiritual people and spiritual work. I have faith that this will be provided by someone, somewhere, at the right time.

The more seeds that are planted, the more spirit has to work with.

Thank you for reading. :)