View single post by joecioppi
 Posted: Dec 14th, 2011 12:55 PM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
sparks wrote:
The Talker Box has 3 chips:
A 12F683 PIC, the Speakjet, and a LM386 Audio amp.
An antenna is connected to one of the A/D inputs of the PIC. The PIC firmware takes readings of the incident emf voltage on that input port and converts it to a number. There is scaling and offsetting of that number value (and probably shuffling) to align that value to be within the control value range of the allophone set in the Speakjet chip. The PIC then sends these allophone control commands to the Speakjet via 9600 baud serial link.
As Joe has mentioned previously, you can just send white noise to the data input of the speakjet chip and it will also talk.


Digital Dowsing is no longer selling talker board parts or kits. That is the reason I suggested the arduino solution.


Last edited on Dec 14th, 2011 12:57 PM by joecioppi