View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: May 3rd, 2007 07:03 AM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 Thanks! I waited, and waited on yahoo, and no response, I figured no one was hearing it, and my own mind created the voices.  I've had this happen over and over on  groups going back since 2000, when I first started this work.  It makes it awkward, cuz I can't talk about what I do, and put up examples when no one wants to say anything, good or bad. I'm never sure if I have entities speaking, or if I'm dellusional. Then there's always someone, usually a new comer to EVP that's going ot tell you how it realy works, and they've never gotten a voice in thier lives!

 I realize not everyone can hear this stuff, and it takes some practice to get used to hearing these voices.

 Personally, I don't consider the box a wast of time, and I'm still working on a cabinet for #23, I cut the metal for the front panel last night, and I'm thinking about how to finish #22, the one with Linear, Random, and manual sweep modes.  I just hate to recommend it to others, too much heart ache in this field. The voice contacts, absolutely amazing, and no one else can hear it!? :bored:

