View single post by dkenda
 Posted: Nov 18th, 2011 03:18 PM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
I've recorded in this location before with success- good stuff.

The location is unique in that it houses communication switching gear and is thisclose to a mortuary and the site of a demolished hospital.

One woman is never happy to see me and very vocal about it- Others sound curious. I keep going back because I've heard from people close to me here before.

This recording is the creme- I spoke a few times and Spirit speaks throughout. Yes, there are those messages that are embedded in white noise. But I'm really impressed by the messages that were formed from my vocalizations.

Other than raising the volume, these haven't been manipulated at all.

In the first one I ask, "How many of you are there?"

"Plenty" is embedded in the question.

A male energy asks, "Why are you doing this?" and another says, "No knowledge of foul-play" (Previously, I'd asked, "How did you die?")

Attachment: DW_B0937 (GREAT) (plenty) HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE IN THIS BUILDING why are you doing this no knowledge of foul play LOUDLY PLEASE.wav (Downloaded 716 times)