View single post by n30g30
 Posted: Oct 4th, 2011 01:31 PM
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Joined: Oct 4th, 2011
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
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A few months ago a friend asked me to build a spirit box; this was the first time i had heard of the technology so, intrigued, i set about investigating.

I couldn't understand the echo chamber in the franks box design, i was sure it was entirely unnecessary and even potentially detrimental, since people seem to get results with 'shackhacks' which don't have the echo chamber.

I then looked at the design of the spiricom and realised instantly that the spiricom and the franks box, drawn as a block diagram, are exactly the same device. On a functional level they have different interpretations of one component - lets call it the 'modulation box'. Both devices use a raw audio signal (franks box uses sweep radio noise, spiricom uses tone generators) passed into the 'modulation box' and then recorded/ played back. the 'modulation box' takes the raw audio signal and transmits it into the atmosphere, where it can be modulated by a spirit or other entity, then the 'modulation box' receives the modulated signal and passes it to a recorder/ playback device. In a franks box the echo chamber is the modulation box, transmitting the raw audio source as audio; the spiricom transmits the raw audio source as am radio.

So, both men built exactly the same device in very different ways. William O'Neill claimed to have assistance from the spirit world in designing his spiricom. Frank Sumption was working on his sweep radio design when he says he received a suggestion from the spiritworld to include the echo chamber in his design.

Realising that if both men had been instructed to build the same device yet used very different implemetations, i feel it is reasonable to assume a certain amount of misinterpretation. If this is the case then it is possible neither device is precisely what the spirit world evidently want us to build.

Current theory and evidence suggest that spirits can manipulate electromagnetic energy better than any other. So why not communicate through EM?

Electromagnetic Communication Device

I realise this has been rather long winded but here is my conclusion:

using the same block diagram as O'Neill and Sumption, lets make a device that will transmit a raw audio signal as an electromagnetic field, then receive it (hopefully modulated) and play it back.

I have made a very simple electromagnetic coil attached to a 3.5mm headphone jack. I connect this to my audio source (mobile phone playing spiricom tones mp3) my receiver coil (exactly the same as transmitter coil) was a little fuzzy because the magnetic wire was too thick, so i bought a telephone pickup coil very cheap from maplin (uk) and use that as receiver. I have connected these with a cardboard tube to hold them about 4 inches apart and sound quality is crystal clear.

I have had no chance to field test this device yet, so cannot report any success. I am describing it here in the hope that someone else will make and test one, as i'm not sure when i will be able to test it.

If you're still reading then thank you and i hope this has been of some interest