View single post by Briah`
 Posted: Jul 25th, 2011 06:53 PM
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I agree with the noise... water, fans, the dryer...anything and everything! Im clairaudent and first started hearing voices in running water 15 years ago. I started researching EVP a few years ago and it makes  a lot of sense to me that some recorders use water as a background noise carrier. I have recently been using running water in my recordings, it works really well for me.

Funnily enough my partner (who is a huge skeptic) asked if the radio or tv was left on in the other room because he could hear people talking when ever the AC unit was on (its rather noisy) lol. The funny thing was I had been sitting in bed the whole time trying to make out what the voices were saying and I never said anything to him about it. HE was the one who mentioned the voices. :blink:

I hear a male voice saying "sorry for your... loss?" It could be "loss" but the last word isnt so clear to me in your recording.