View single post by inquisitive15
 Posted: Jul 11th, 2011 07:27 PM
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Joined: Dec 17th, 2010
Posts: 21

I have been getting messages via my computer but differently. It happened by accident as I was reviewing my EVPs, when I realized that the EVPs were endless because there was just so many of them. One day my friend Nancy called me as I was listening to my EVPs and I looked at the call display but chose not to answer. I go back to my computer and my next EVP stated ''c'était Nancy''(it was Nancy) and the reverse ''qui a sonné''(who rang). (I get most of my EVPs in French as I am French Canadian.)

I was floored so I continued and realized that I was communicating with live spirits and not listening to my past EVPs anymore. I began asking questions and was getting answers by clicking on highlighting a part of the white noise. Some of the answers were much clearer than others.
I am now unable to listen to my old EVPs as it gets taken over my live communication and they end up altered. My main concern is that I have no idea who I was communicating with. I asked a few times and got a few names of people whom I do not know but they seem to know everything about my life and exactly what I was doing at the time.