View single post by Dmaumau
 Posted: May 9th, 2011 12:26 PM
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Joined: Dec 8th, 2009
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Posts: 17
You are more than welcome my friend. ;)

Regarding your trouble sleeping, I would like to recommend you to read the chapters 8 and 9 of Allan Kardec's The Spirits Book.

Don't know if you know something about it, but this book was writen in 1857 in France by Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, also known as Allan Kardec.

From it's second edition, It was written with the help of more than 10 mediuns all over Europe and America, in the format of questions and answers from the spiritual plane.

There are more than a thousand Q&A, versing about life, past, present and future, spirits, God, the origin of the matter as we know it and a lot more.

And all Q&A were cross-checked with the answers of several mediuns, in different times and places, before beeing considered fit to be included.

So we may say it is a marvel of ITC on it's own, collecting knowledge from the spiritual world since the 18th century.

This doctrine do not constitute a religion, but a a codification of beliefs that gives us answers to lots of questions in a serious and objective way, without any "mambo-jambo".

Hope you and everybody else find it enlightening and interesting.

The entire book is very interesting, so I recommend if you like the chapters I highlighted to take a deep breath, since it is a long and not so easy read, but I thing it is worth.

Best wishes,


Last edited on May 9th, 2011 12:30 PM by Dmaumau