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 Posted: May 8th, 2011 09:11 PM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Hi Mauricio.
Thanks for your kind words and your supportive nature in this matter.

I think I judge myself harshly, as I'm really a skeptic at heart, so I expect others to be as skeptical as I am at least, so I've always been a bit sheepish about being forthcoming about my experiences, nobody in my personal life ever hears about them, I know that people here are much more open minded about such themes, and also like minded in general, so if anyone is to understand, it should be people who seeks the same wisdom in things like EVP, such as I have in the past.

EVP opened my mind to a broader reality, in that I know KNOW there is something else, whereas previously, I just "thought" the might be.

It's the closest thing to a religious experience I've had, gaining the knowledge that there is indeed something after this reality.

I had an awakening, and a major shift in my mentality, and awareness happen when I became ill, I didn't just want badly for there to be something to believe in, quite the opposite actually, it seems the paranormal things found me.

I was hearing voices, and though I might be schizophrenic, but found great comfort in knowing that these voices could be recorded on tape or digitally, as I was hearing them in my head, or with my ears. When I actually RECORDED these voices, and others listened to what I'd been hearing all along, I knew I wasn't nuts, so that was a relief...LOL

I've never thought as myself previously as psychic, a medium, or even spiritual at all, I just knew I was different than most people.

Above all, I am extremely empathic now, and can barely stand to feel other people's emotion, they are SO strong to me, and I always know if someone is having some kind of issues, but doesn't show it on the outside.

This sometimes causes some grief between the wife and I when she says "I'm OK", but I KNOW otherwise!

There are many people I cannot STAND to be around, it's really too painful to me, and if someone is mentally ill, I seem to just "know" it, I see something in their eyes, and feel a strange sensation, and immediately know they are medicated for a condition of the mind.

All of these things are burden to me, as it does nothing but worsten my own condition that I can barely cope with, and try as I might, I cannot  control these "abilities", regardless of how many people say "I just need to work on that". They have NO idea to feel what I feel.

Sometimes, I think my intense and very severe chronic pain syndrome is actually other people's physical pain, I just don't t know.

So, thanks for not thinking I'm nuts, believe me, I've had my own doubts at times, as all of this is a bit outside the norm, and it often leaves me feeling like "why me", why am I SO different than the average guy?

Whatever all of this is, I hope it eventually goes away. I feel like I've opened a Pandora's box, and now I cannot close it.

You can PM me if you like, I"m interested in hearing about what you are offering.

Take care,
Chris ;)