View single post by NS-EVP
 Posted: May 8th, 2011 08:11 PM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Hi Briah,
Thanks for your concern, and your reply ;)

You know, it sounds kinda crazy, but I've had alot of really weird things happen to me that I had not thought to be anything other than "paranormal" in nature,but upon researching alot of the things that I've been experiencing, I've come to understand quite a bit more about the nature of our reality, and the entities that reside in it, as well as "where" the may reside.

The crazy part is that alot of my circumstances seem to be centered around the alien abduction phenomena.

I know, that sounds totally bizarre, and to be honest, I thought  it was all a bunch of crap too, until I started looking back at alot of the experiences I've had, such as missing time, weird tones, and strange flashes of light in the room, like a photo flash was going off, and I realized there are many other people experiencing the exact same thing, accompanied by some really odd paranormal like occurrances.

I personally don't have any kind of memories about alien abduction, and don't think that is my issue at all, however, a scientist associate of a Dr Lier who removes alien implants whom I've been in contact with is quite convinced that I have some sort of alien contact.

Again, I know it all sounds nuts, and I'm still not sure I buy it either, but alot cannot be explained any other way. I get these "downloads" of information, when I"m in a half waking state in the morning that I absolutely must write down, and most of them deal with particle physics, quantum mechanics, and the nature of matter in our universe, which is really weird, because I don't study any of that stuff, but have learned tons from these "downloads".

It sounds like I'm a real flake who wants badly to believe in something, but in reality, I'd like ti all to go away, it's a bit of a burden.

Until now, I just thought I was a sensitive, or phychic or something, but I'm now realizing that whatever ir wherever it is, I'm actually in contact with some kind of entities, either spiritual, or extraterrestrial, I have no idea, I just know it's real.

I'm sure I'm looking like a real wingnut saying all of this, but I just don't care how people see me anymore.

Does anyone here know that apparently, there is a huge connection between ET's, and interdemensional beings, and the EVP phenomena?

If I'm nuts, someone please explain to me WHY I have severe health issues caused by most likely radiation exposure?

Basically, my doctors are treating me like someone who had a bad dose of radiation that damaged his immune and endocrine system.


Chris ;)