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ITC Bridge

ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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ITC Bridge
TopicRepliesViews Sorted by descending orderStarted byLast PostForum
Announcement (No New Posts) Please post and share Spiricom information here
Introductory post
7 36,187 Keith Clark 15 years 9 months 18 days ago
by joecioppi Go to last Post
Dedicated SPIRICOM Forum
Announcement (No New Posts) WorldWide EVP Exhibit Needs You
Submit Your Best EVP's !!
1 6,055 ArizonaEvp 8 years 3 months 12 days ago
by ArizonaEvp Go to last Post
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
Popular (No New Posts) Reandomly swept TV tuner pix
A newer method of video ITC
10 33,302 Old-Frank 16 years 6 months 16 days ago
by Notemanz Go to last Post
Video ITC (Feedback loop methods)
Popular (No New Posts) Anew way I tried to record for spiricom
1 pic and a very small clip
4 30,712 lkimberley 16 years 6 months 15 days ago
by lkimberley Go to last Post
Direct Radio Voice Experimental
Popular (No New Posts) Keith Clark, Central Coast California, U.S.
Seeking any person interested in ITC or seance circles
7 26,235 Keith Clark 11 years 3 months 28 days ago
by Keith Clark Go to last Post
Listings for people seeking to work together
Popular (No New Posts) Asleep, to wake again at the proper time
No stream at the moment
4 17,519 Keith Clark 9 years 5 months 20 days ago
by amela Go to last Post
Stream News
Popular (No New Posts) A Spiricom Style Experiment You Can Try At Home
Article Found At Our Sister Site:
4 14,918 ArizonaEvp 8 years 9 months 21 days ago
by ArizonaEvp Go to last Post
Paranormal - General
Popular (No New Posts) Margaret Downey ITC - Geoff Daner & AAEVP featured on Maury Povich Show
Posted by Margaret Downey(ITCDeadPeople) 5-1-08
0 10,434 Keith Clark 15 years 9 months 28 days ago
by Keith Clark Go to last Post
Video Library - ITC Related
Closed (No New Posts) Intelligent response
evp replies from communicators
4 6,136 alisonkirkbride 12 years 2 months 13 days ago
by Keith Clark Go to last Post
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

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